Our partners

Integrates the Russian generating assets of Inter RAO Group, except for electric power plants in Omsk and Tomsk Regions, and in Bashkiria. The Group includes 22 major electric power plants in Russia with a total installed electric capacity of 21.457 GW (as of the end of 2021).

Leader of the Russian oil industry ranking among the world’s top publicly traded oil and gas companies. Core businesses of Rosneft Oil Company PJSC include geological survey and hydrocarbons exploration, oil, gas and gas condensate production, offshore fields development, refining of produced raw materials, sale of oil, gas and petroleum products in Russia and abroad.

Cool Sorption A/S, headquartered in Denmark, offers world-class vapor recovery technology, systems and services for oil companies worldwide. As a specialized supplier of pre-engineered and competitive vapor recovery units, and with more than 30 years of experience, knowledge, and more than 300 operating units worldwide, together with Globaltechexport Ltd., we will find the right solution for your terminal.

An expert engineering company with extensive experience in the design, manufacture, supply and commissioning of fuel gas conditioning plants and compressor stations. The Company aims to the provision of custom solutions for each project and is ready to adapt process solutions to the specific requirements of the Customer.

An advanced engineering company specializing in design works for the Fuel and Energy Industry facilities. The Company has a wide base of standard projects. Customized projects for the construction, renovation and upgrading of compressor stations, gas treatment plants, gas treatment units, gas distribution plants, air separation units, etc. can be developed at the customer's request. All work stages are performed with the use of state-of-the-art applications. Facilities can be fitted both with foreign and equivalent Russian equipment.

Tyumen Design and Research Institute of Oil and Gas Industry named after V. I. Muravlenko is one of the leading Russian design and research institutes performing integrated field design for oil and gas companies. Since 2010, it has been a member of the HMS Group holding company. Today Giprotyumenneftegaz is the largest independent institute in the market of design and surveys for fuel and energy companies in Russia and CIS countries.

The Institute carries out the complete cycle of modern design and research, including conceptual projects, the development of multiple-path solutions, and designer supervision. The laboratory facilities are equipped with the latest and classical equipment for core and fluid testing, as well as for soil, mud and cement slurry testing, and environmental monitoring. TomskNIPIneft employs over 1500 highly qualified specialists. In 2022, TomskNIPIneft celebrated its 36th Anniversary since its foundation on January 23, 1986.

Teploelectroproject Design Institute JSC is engaged in the design of thermal electric power plants, upgrading and retrofitting of existing thermal electric power plants. Teploelectroproject Design Institute JSC offers the following comprehensive thermal electric power plant engineering services: engineering surveys, investment feasibility studies, development of design and detailed documentation, and specialized engineering services.