Fully integrated manufacturing process. Design, delivery, and construction of facilities for the oil and gas industry, heat and power industries.

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15 years
The average length of service of specialists
Globaltechexport Ltd.

We provide effective solutions

Our core business is the design, manufacture, supply, installation, commissioning and start-up of natural and associated petroleum gas treatment systems

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The natural and associated petroleum gas treatment systems we have designed enable high energy efficiency, operational reliability, and reduction of production costs
Our specialists are focused on the development of complete engineering solutions and their intelligent integration in production cycles at Сustomers’ facilities


All All news
27.08.2024 Globaltechexport Ltd. designs a unique Gas Pressure Reduction Unit for the second phase of the Yakutsk GRES-2 construction project 17.06.2024 The GTE Racing Team with Globaltechexport Ltd. as the general and title partner/sponsor takes part in the new season of the SMP RCRS Championship 23.04.2024 Globaltechexport Ltd. is performing the design, manufacture, and supply of the gas treatment equipment for the gas booster station of Yakutsk GRES-2 24.01.2024 Globaltechexport Ltd. is performing the commissioning supervision of the Atlas Copco compressors for the Amur Hydrometallurgical Plant 06.10.2023 Globaltechexport Ltd. is performing the maintenance works on the ACS equipment of the Elliott Ebara compressors for the Gazprom LNG Portovaya 30.08.2023 Globaltechexport Ltd. is performing the design, manufacture, and supply of a Natural Gas Treatment Unit combined with a Gas Distribution Plant for the Chernogorsk TPP 20.07.2023 Globaltechexport Ltd. is performing the development and deployment of the native software for the ACS of the Atlas Copco compressors as part of the implementation of the AMUR GPP project 06.06.2023 Globaltechexport Ltd. is performing the design, manufacture, and supply of a Gas Booster Station for the Priobskoye field of Rosneft Oil Company PJSC 14.04.2023 Globaltechexport Ltd. is performing the design, manufacture, and supply of a Gas Booster Station and Natural Gas Treatment Unit for the Khabarovsk TPP-4 28.10.2022 Globaltechexport Ltd. and Siemens completed a joint state-of-the-art automation system development and implementation project for NNK-Khabarovsk Oil Refinery JSC 07.10.2022 Globaltechexport Ltd. becomes a major shareholder of Compex LLC and Microturbine Plant LLC 30.08.2022 Globaltechexport Ltd. successfully supplied a compressor unit for the oil refinery retrofitting and upgrading project to PJSC Rosneft Oil Company subsidiary 27.07.2022 Globaltechexport Ltd. successfully designed, manufactured, and supplied a compressed air station for the Khabarovsk TPP-4 construction project 13.05.2022 Globaltechexport Ltd. successfully supplied vertical cylindrical tanks for ZiO-Podolsk (main equipment supplier, a member of Rosatom State Corporation) 14.04.2022 In 2021, Globaltechexport Ltd. upgraded the fully integrated compressor equipment manufacturing facilities on the basis of the NPP Compressor JSC plant 06.04.2022 Cooperation and partnership with RUSELPROM Group 26.01.2022 Globaltechexport Ltd. presents the new logo and corporate identity 08.06.2021 Globaltechexport Ltd. supplied a modular gas distribution plant for use by PJSC Nizhnekamskneftekhim (TAIF) 17.05.2021 Globaltechexport Ltd. manufactured, supplied, and successfully commissioned a gas pressure reduction unit for use by Svobodnenskaya TPP 05.03.2021 Globaltechexport Ltd. develops, manufactures, and supplies a containerized gas booster station for the fuel gas conditioning unit 09.02.2021 Globaltechexport Ltd. completed multiple water treatment facilities at Amur TPP 01.12.2020 Globaltechexport Ltd. completed the design, manufacture and supply of the first in Russia Natural Gas and Syngas Treatment Unit for Entrade GmbH, Germany 16.11.2020 GTE Racing Team results in the 2020 racing season are announced 03.11.2020 Globaltechexport Ltd. expands its manufacturing capabilities and becomes a major shareholder of the NPP Compressor manufacturing complex 27.07.2020 Globaltechexport Ltd. becomes a system integrator of Nefteavtomatika JSC 21.07.2020 The results of Stage 1 of the 2020 SMP RCRS Championship are announced 29.06.2020 Globaltechexport Ltd. has obtained several certificates of conformity 08.06.2020 Data on Globaltechexport Ltd. was entered into the Unified Register of Oil and Gas Contractors and Suppliers of NEFTEGAZENERGOEXPERT Inquiry and Communications System 29.05.2020 Globaltechexport Ltd. completes the design, manufacture, and supply of a compressor station for Rosneft Oil Company PJSC at Sorovsky CGP 10.04.2020 Cooperation of Globaltechexport Ltd. and Chelyabinsk Compressor Plant 07.02.2020 Modular compressor stations for Rosenergoatom Concern JSC — Kursk NPP
Community Involvement
Globaltechexport Ltd. actively engages in social activities. For example, the Company managers are members of the Board of Directors and trustees of the Academy of Life Charitable Foundation, support WMA Martial Arts Club, and own the GTE Racing Team, which participates in motorsports competitions.
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Our Company provides world-class services in compliance with international standards and is an authorized representative of Cool Sorption, Siemens, and Atlas Copco companies